Ps. James Tambun

James is the pastor of Lighthouse Bethel Church . He was involved in youth & student fellowship movement in the early 80’s. Since 1989 he joined the Apostolic Church movement and soon served under New Covenant Christian Church (GKPB) in Bandung until 2001. He loves watching musical production, singing, and reading. Previously professed as an architect, before pursued the call to full time ministry in 2004. His personal, dynamic & practical ways of preaching has always been centred on faith and potential life changes in Christ. His desire is to empower young generation becoming an agent of change in the marketplace. He is also very passionate to build a vibrant, Holy Spirit-filled church to bless the nations. Married to Esther who always supports him, have one beautiful daughter, Melody & one handsome son, Christopher. They reside in Sydney , Australia .